Decolonising Psychoanalysis Seminars


Occupying Psychoanalysis in a Post-Colonial World:
Fanon's 'zone of nonbeing' and the subject of racism.

Gautam Basu Thakur (Speaker) with Sharon Numa (respondent)

Saturday 23rd April 2022, 3:00pm - 5:00pm GMT
Online seminar £12 - £24

Book here

This is the second in a series of seminars on Decolonising Psychoanalysis, organised by the Race and Culture Committee of the Guild of Psychotherapists. The series is intended to open up conversations about psychoanalysis by initiating Transatlantic Dialogues between academics and psychotherapists, bringing clinical responses to their academic decolonial work. How will clinicians speak to those concepts from the standpoint of their practice? And how can we use these ideas to think about subjectivity, development, inter-generational trauma and so on.

For an abstract of Gautam Basu Thakur’s paper, further event details, extended biographies and tickets, please visit our EventBrite Page by following this link – Book here



ThakurGautam Basu Thakur is associate professor of English and the director of the Critical Theory Minor at Boise State University, Idaho. He is the author of two books, Postcolonial Theory and Avatar (Bloomsbury, 2015) and Postcolonial Lack: Identity, Culture, Surplus (State University NY, 2020); and two co-edited books, Lacan and the Nonhuman (2018) and Reading Lacan’s Seminar VII: Transference (2020). His interests are wide-ranging and his current research focuses on examining racism and racial identity through and at the intersections of psychoanalytic theory, subaltern theory, and queer studies.



NumaDr Sharon Numa is a Fellow of the British Psychoanalytical Society, having originally trained as a Clinical Psychologist in the NHS. She works in private practice and is a training supervisor and therapist for The British Psychoanalytical Society, and The Association of Child Psychotherapist. She has recently edited a book on the early building blocks of identity called On Being Oneself: Clinical Explorations on Identity from John Steiner’s Workshop. (The New Library of Psychoanalysis/Routledge)




Organised by the Race and Culture Committee of the Guild of Psychotherapists.

The Race and Culture Committee (RCC) was set up to provide a forum for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic members of The Guild of Psychotherapists to discuss issues of common concern, address ‘racial’ and cultural questions from a psychoanalytic and analytical psychology perspective, and promote anti-racist practice and racial equity within psychotherapy and the wider community. It embodies the values and purposes of The Guild in establishing ‘a pluralistic professional body to foster independence of thought, a spirit of inquiry, and freedom to develop creatively for the benefit of the profession and the public seeking psychological help.'

Image credit

Illustrator: Anastasya Eliseeva
With permission from New Frame Media (Johannesburg, South Africa)